Tuesday, January 5, 2010

How it all began...

It all started simple enough with a morning walk. I often walk near my home on an old dirt road that meanders through fields and forest. I find that when I walk, I can think or meditate more clearly as I am away from anything I could "do." I learned this while walking across Spain this past summer - and this was a big gift to me.

As I walk an idea came to me - a selfish idea really, but perhaps all inspirations at first have a selfish edge. I thought about resolutions and losing 15 pounds. And I shrugged with the thought of past years attempts - couldn't think of a successful one yet. And I thought I didn't want to diet, I wanted to change the way I see and do things fundamentally.

I know we in America - perhaps even especially Texas, tend to overeat. I see it at virtually every restaurant I go to - portions big enough for two meals - even at lunch. Recently I remarked to my sons how astonished I was at the size of a "small" drink our most famous fast food establishment. Having lived the past year in Europe maybe heightened my awareness of this.

So maybe there was a way for me not just to lose 15 pounds, but to be more intentional about my health and my diet. And then it hit me - hunger was a major issue around the world. I knew this because I have seen pictures on TV - maybe there was something here I could learn/ do all at the same time. Maybe I could do something that would also connect me in some ways with the world's hungry...I could go hungry too.

And this is how FAST FORWARD began - I decided I will fast one day each week during 2010. The money I would normally spend I will give away to a hunger related cause. And in the course of my fasting I will endeavor to learn - more about diet, food, health and world hunger.

So that's it in a nutshell - well a big nutshell anyway. Today I began and it is just past lunchtime. I am hungry - not overly so, but enough of a gnawing awareness that tells me I am breaking habits. And so I feel like I am off to a good start!